Growing medium is an important ingredient through which plant roots grow and extract water and nutrients. Choosing a great growing tool is basic to good plant care and is the foundation of a healthy root system.

Growing medium for use in containers and pots is available in two standard kinds: soil-based and natural-based. In temperate areas, nurseries can pick from a large variety of commercial items for their growing medium, including peat, vermiculite, moss, and premixed blends of these active ingredients.

A beneficial growing tool contains two or more ingredients. Growers have to know the favorable and negative attributes of the various components and how they will affect plant growth when developing a suitable growing tool, and even when buying a commercial one. This phase explains the usages, functions, and properties of growing medium components. 

What Soil or Growing Medium Does?

Physical Support

The growing tool has to be permeable but supply physical support. With a larger nursery supply in individual containers, a growing tool should be heavy enough to hold the plant upright against the wind.


Plant roots require a steady supply of oxygen to transform the photosynthate from the fallen leaves into energy so that the roots can absorb water and mineral nutrients. Because nursery plants grow rapidly, they require a tool with great porosity– a characteristic termed “aeration” that will be talked about in more information in the following area.

Water Supply

Nursery plants use a significant quantity of water for growth, and this water supply has to be offered by the growing medium. Growing mediums are developed to make sure that they can hold water in the small pores in between their particles. Because these products have inner spaces that can hold water like a sponge, numerous growing mediums include high portions of natural content such as coco peat and garden compost. Therefore, growing medium must have appropriate porosity to absorb and save the huge amount of water needed by the growing plant.


Physical properties of growing medium

  1. Water-Holding Capacity

A great growing tool has a high water-holding capacity and also has sufficient macropores to allow excess water to drain away and protect against waterlogging. Water-holding ability varies by the types and sizes of the growing tool components. 

  1. Aeration

The percentage of pore space that remains full of air after excess water has drained away is known as aeration. Oxygen for healthy roots are supplied through the larger macropores, which also allow the CO2 from respiration to dissipate. A good growing medium, specifically for rooting, cuttings, has a high percentage of macropores.

  1. Porosity

The porosity of a growing medium is the amount of the space in the micropores. A growing tool made of large particles will have more oxygenation and less water-holding capacity than a medium of smaller bits, which will have less aeration and more water-holding ability.

Thanks for reading this article. You can buy coco peat from our website.